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Artists and Their Pets

Writer's picture: Rossella BLUE MocerinoRossella BLUE Mocerino

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

We always think of artists alone in their studios working madly at their work but in many cases they are not alone. Their pets keep them company and see it all - the ups and downs, the emotional turmoil, the moments of bliss and satisfaction. I have always worked with cats around me. Here is a list of my favorite photos of artists and their pets.

Cleo, the cat
Cleo, the artist assistant

painting Meditation Among Pigeons by Rossella BLUE Mocerino
Meditation Among Pigeons by Rossella BLUE Mocerino

Artists and their Pets. No. 1 on the list. The Austrian painter Gustav Klimt and his beloved cat, Katzie.

detail of Klimt painting
A detail from the Klimt painting, Portrait of Emilie Floge

Artists and their Pets. No. 2 on the list. Spanish painter Salvador Dali and his Babou. Not a cat but an ocelot, a wild cat.

Dali painting, The Persistence of Memory
The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali

Artists and their Pets No. 3 on the list. French artist Henri Matisse with his cat Minouche.

Matisse painting, Cat with Bowl with Red Fish.
Matisse painting, Cat with Bowl with Red Fish

Artists and their Pets no. 4 on the list. Mexican painter Frida Kahlo had a real menagerie of animals - from monkeys, birds, dogs and even a pet hawk. Here she is shown with her pet deer, Granizo.

Kahlo painting, Me and my Parrots.
Frida Kahlo painting, Me and my Parrots

Artists and their Pets No. 5 on the list. Contemporary British artist Gerald Shepherd and his cat Bugsy. I am told Bugsy was a bit of a rogue but you wouldn’t be able to tell from this photo.

Gerald Shepherd painting, Landing Bird Before Trees.
Gerald Shepherd painting, Landing Bird Before Trees

Artists and their Pets no. 6 on the list. American artist Georgia O’Keeffe and her chow, Jingo.

O’Keeffe painting, Leaves and Fruit.
An early O’Keeffe painting, Leaves and Fruit

Artists and their Pets no. 7 on the list. Spanish artist Pablo Picasso and his dog Lump.

Picasso painting, Woman with Bangs
Picasso, Woman with Bangs

Artists and their Pets no. 8 on the list. Contemporary American artist Kehinde Wiley and his Italian greyhounds.

KehindeWiley painting, Anderson Romualdo Cordeiro.
Kehinde Wiley painting, Anderson Romualdo Cordeiro

Artists and their Pets no.9 on the list. American artist Jackson Pollock and his dogs, Gyp and Ahab.

Jackson Pollock, Vivid Anomaly
Jackson Pollock, Vivid Anomaly

Artists and their Pets No. 10 on the list. Contemporary Chinese artist Ai Weiwei with one of his cats. In his compound in China, he has over 40 cats and several dogs. Photo of artist by Matthew Niederhause.

A Cube of Light by Ai Weiwei
Ai Weiwei, A Cube of Light


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